Thursday, September 17, 2009

More About Shoes...

Hi Again,
Do you want to keep your therapist happy or your feet? The problem is that shoes are built in a variety of ways but we need shoes that always feel like part of our foot not an adornment to our foot. I know what you are thinking, "But Lori, these shoes are so beautiful and they match my outfit so well..." And I will tell you to go ahead and wear them for an evening out, for just sitting and looking pretty, go for it, I'll be doing the same. But the day in and day out stuff where you are in need of energy and vitality and feet that don't hurt, you will need these critical tips for making wise choices in shoes:
  • Arch support -you should feel the arch come up and hold your foot, holding that inside arch.
  • Comfort around the heel - not slipping, not sliding, but all the way up around the back of your heel to the place where your top of your heel connects to your ankle (the joint area) feels secure and supported.
  • Ample room for toes to spread out and move around - not crunched up or sliding into the tip of your shoes. You need to be able to draw your toes up, spread them out and wiggle them around.
  • No "slop" allowed - Areas where your foot is slipping around. This can happen around the heel, sides of the foot, top of the foot and the toe area where it is rubbing on the big toe. (People can get a fairly large callous on the side of the big toe!) Wherever the shoe is rubbing unnaturally, you'll have a callous and pain.
Up Next... How to try on shoes.
Stay Healthy...

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